Miami City Ballet School
Miami City Ballet School provides superior dance training for all ages and every level.
Our dance training pedagogy is truly distinctive to MCBS, retaining traditional methods of classical ballet while integrating the dynamic and technical aesthetic of the Balanchine style.
The school develops confident and versatile classical ballet dancers able to master any style and execute any technique at the highest level.
Under the guidance of School Artistic Director, Arantxa Ochoa and our internationally trained faculty, our Pre-Professional dancers are well prepared to make the transition from student to professional artist at Miami City Ballet, dance companies throughout the world or any other life choice they may make.
We believe in developing the whole individual in a healthy and stimulating environment. The success of our academic education relies on the quality of the educational and personalized support from which the students benefit during their formation in the school.
Throughout the year, MCB Students are offered unique audition opportunities to perform in Miami City Ballet productions.
Find out more about the MCB School Faculty.